Willing women communicating
Shannon D. Turner, WWC Founder

Shannon Turner, a native of Long Branch, New Jersey, was raised by her mother, who imparted essential life skills, responsibility, independence, and a strong sense of support for her mother and siblings. In 1989, Shannon graduated from Long Branch High School and subsequently embarked on diverse paths of personal growth, achieving certificates of accomplishment in various fields.

Raising three wonderful children, Shannon instilled in them the same values and qualities she was taught, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing God and maintaining a positive outlook amidst challenges. Additionally, she takes joy in being a grandmother (“Nama”) to five lovely grandchildren. Shannon firmly believes in the significance of family and the principle of starting charitable acts at home before extending them to the wider world.

Throughout her journey, Shannon has nurtured a deep desire to work with women from all walks of life, ages, and cultures, empowering them to realize their potential as well-balanced individuals by placing God first. She firmly embraces the notion that through Christ, we gain the strength to overcome any obstacle. Serving as a strong and positive role model, Shannon exhibits unwavering determination and a mindset of excellence in all she undertakes, inspiring the women she encounters to pursue their goals with the same unwavering spirit.

Shannon holds a steadfast belief in women’s inherent power, ability, and determination to conquer any situation, circumstance, or aspiration. However, she emphasizes that true prosperity on life’s challenging journey requires personal effort and dedication. Ultimately, Shannon encourages others to understand that while support may be available, the responsibility to achieve lies within each individual. 

Willing Women Communicating